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"Sanger has succeeded in writing the modern-day Siddhartha: an intricate tale of a deep spiritual journey, within and without. His artistic use of words and illustrations gently opens the door to truth and carries you to the living River; you will be hooked.”

Joe Kittel, author of Spiritual Principles in Strategic Alliances and founder of LLC.




“Gorgeous phrasing, fully entrancing and sparkling with freshness. The author has a fine instinct for wowing the reader at the start, and throughout, with beautifully crafted sentences. Even better, the effect hides the effort. Nothing about this book seems forced which is what elevates it. And the wow factor of this book is masterfully-written. Beautiful visuals…engage our senses and place us in the scene. Well done. Stays with the reader.”

    Writer’s Digest            Judge, 24th Annual Writer’s Digest Self-Published Book Awards


Tobe and The River Is by Micah Sanger is an insightful and thoughtful story with a profound spiritual message. It is a deep, metaphorical tale which I absolutely loved from beginning to end…. A delightful and inspiring tale, full of gentle wisdom matched with psychological understandings. If you’re looking for an inspirational character-led story, Tobe and The River Is will make you think and touch your heart and soul. The author has also included lovely detailed illustrations of Tobe’s journey and experiences. Recommended”

                                                      for  Readers' Favorite by Hilary Hawkes


"As I read Tobe and the River Is, a wonderful new reality glimmered. Micah Sanger has

crafted a beautiful and accessible tale of the true journey for all of us. The art is luminous

and the story flows with grace, sweeping us along. A refreshing book for conflicted times;

I enjoyed every word. At the first read, it felt like an old friend."


                                                     Margret Henkels, artist and author

Speaking Engagements

The New Quantum Vision SMALL  Museum and


The New “Quantum” Vision

Experiencing Consciousness - the Matrix of the Universe

My presentation explores one of the most intimate yet enigmatic phenomena we will ever encounter—the phenomenon we call, “consciousness.” My talk at the beginning brings together the quotes of the world's top theoretical physicists with images of my paintings to facilitate a deeper understanding of what consciousness is—the consciousness that is not only the center of our being but is the matrix of the whole universe. It is the source and deepest essence of all form and yet transcends all form. Can you think of anything more mysterious than that?

Even the slightest taste of this universal consciousness can alter one’s perspective of this world and one’s life in surprising and uplifting ways. And that simply is the motivation for my art, my writing, and presentations.


(To see examples of my art in relation to the physicists’ quotes click on the “Traveling Museum Exhibit” tab in the index at the top of any page.)

Speaking Engagements:

"The Inspiration for Tobe and the River Is”                Gallery Bookstore, Mendocino, CA                         August 2017

“Awakening through Art and Consciousness”           Spirit House, Fort Bragg, CA                                   Sept 2018

“Art and Levels of Perception”                                    HarmonyUs Festival, Caspar, CA                            June 2018

 “Consciousness and the River Is”                              Namaste Café, CSL, Fort Bragg, CA                        Feb 2019

“The New ‘Quantum’ Vision”                                       HarmonyUs Festival, Caspar, CA                            June 2019

“Creativity and Tobe and the River Is"           Poets & Writers Readings and Workshop Programs          July 2019

                                                                                                       Point Arena, CA       



Speaking Fee:


My fee for speaking engagements is $3,600 unless it is connected to my traveling museum exhibit, in which case, there is no charge.





Art Instruction



Individual or Group Lessons


The lessons will be geared to the individual's needs, ranging from the non-artist to the more accomplished artist, with the emphasis on awareness and levels of perception. The lessons are for all age groups.

Lessons will touch on these following areas:


• Levels of Perception/ Developing the Artist Eye

• Different Approaches to the Same Subject Matter

• Listening to Your Intuition and Heart – Feeling the Subject

• Composition and How It Relates to What You Are Trying to Express.

• Unity and Harmony

• When to Sacrifice Contrast for Expression

• Always Painting the Energy of Relationships

• Depicting Energy of Forms and Space

• The Expressive Nature of Distortion

• Principles of Painting Color

• Painting Techniques

One and a Half Hour Instruction  


Painting on location or in the studio

Private: $95.00


Three Hour Instruction 


Painting on location or in the studio


Private: $185.00       Small Group (2-3): $280                


For larger groups, (a large studio or classroom would need to be provided): $650.




A three-day workshop in your area, (4 hours each day) the fee is: $2,400



My aim in these workshops is three-fold:



To first have the student choose their subject and their depiction of it based on a deep emotional/intuitive response instead of just on compositional considerations, yet combining both.


Second, to share painting techniques that will allow students to express their deep experience of the subject.


Thirdly, to have the student leave the workshop with at least one finished piece.



Travel Fees


All travel expenses, i.e. airfares, etc., would need to be covered. In the case of workshops plus $200 a day travel fee. (except during the three days of teaching).


For driving, I charge $35 an hour, round trip from Mendocino, CA.

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